From the very beginning, the heartbeat of CHARM’s ministry is reconciliation. Our foremost desire is to see incarcerated men and women reconciled to God and then through their spiritual transformation to find reconciliation with their family and community.
Reconciled With God
One former resident was raised by his great-grandmother in church. When she died at the age of 12, he went astray and after battles with drug addiction ended up in prison at the age of 25. He met Jesus in a jail cell and found the hope and reconciliation only he can provide. After serving almost 18 years in prison, he is now an ordained minister, married to an amazing woman, and they have two wonderful little boys.
Reconciled with Family
Another former resident, after going in and out of prison for years, has been able to find reconciliation with his mom, daughters, grandchildren, and has even remarried his former wife. They have recently bought a home together where they are taking care of his mother.
Reconciled with Community
Another former resident was arrested for stealing from the those in his financial practice. Many of the people he stole from were members of his church and Sunday school class. After his release from prison, he was able return to the church becoming a member and even serving as a substitute teacher in a Sunday school class.
These stories are just a small sample of the power of God’s love and grace but it is stories like these that constantly remind us of his ability to change any person and bring reconciliation into even the most difficult situations.